Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My top 5 games to get you interested in boardgaming

          In my inaugural blog I decided I would share with you some of my favorite games that I use to introduce my unsure friends and family into the world of board gaming.  I feel like when I ask a lot of my friends over to play games, they immediately think that it'll be something long and boring after a while like monopoly or scrabble or that they will have to sit down and play a game with a million pieces and hours worth of rules to understand. While both of these categories of games are fun in their own right, I try to explain that what I want to play is somewhere in the grey in between. These games, I feel, are simple enough to understand how to play relatively quickly, while still having interesting mechanics or subject matter that set them apart from the simple board games that we all grew up with.

  1. Forbidden Island

          This game is simple, fun, challenging, and family/group oriented. I love using cooperative games to introduce people to gaming. These types of games eliminate the idea of being competitive against one another and instead allows the group to come together to be competitive against the game its self. I have found that people are much more open to playing a game if they think they can win as a group. Forbidden Island is a game that centers around gathering up four treasures and making off the island before the island sinks beneath you and the rest of your crew.
          This is a game that has many ways to lose, yet only one way to win and provides new challenges every time you play. I feel like this game has wonderful replay ability; not only does the card draw and characters change, but the board its self changes depending on how you shuffle the tiles and lay them out. I have found it just as fun with two people playing as I have with four or six people. I like this as an all around good, fun game for everyone that has the bonus of being very affordable. 
          You can find this game on Amazon and I have seen it at my local Barnes and Noble. If you find that you really enjoy this game, or , like me, have beat the game at pretty much every level you should try the sequel called Forbidden Desert or Pandemic.

     2.  King of Tokyo

          King of  Tokyo is a game from Richard Garfield in which you play as a monster or robot or alien battling other monsters, robots, or aliens in order to become the King of Tokyo. This game has won multiple awards and is quick, easy to explain, and quite fun. My friends have thought of this as a more fun game of Yahtzee without all the math, and I tend to agree.
          The game play is extremely easy to explain with no hidden or oddball mechanics to trip anyone up.  It's simple: roll the dice, decide what to keep and what to re roll, earn energy, earn victory points, and maybe battle a little bit. You win win you reach twenty victory points or if you are the last monster standing. Easy Peasy!
          If you like this game there is an expansion out that adds a new monster and a new mechanic that just adds another level to game play, and is quite fun! You can find this game on Amazon and probably at your local game store!

     3.  Smash Up

          Smash Up is a shufflebuilding card game in which you pick two factions, shuffle their cards together , and then battle another team of factions over control of bases. These factions include everything from martians to dinosaurs to pirates to ninjas. The combination of two random factions can either work really well or not so well at all, so choose wisely!
          Smash Up has quickly become one of my boyfriend's favorite games that I've made him try.  He's the type of guy who has been playing Magic: The Gathering since he was eight and is a little leery about all the board games I suggest we try. Fair warning, Smash Up is a little bit more difficult (recommended for ages 12 and up) and a little bit more time consuming. I will admit that it took me a couple time playing this game to fully understand EVERYTHING and really feel comfortable playing, but if you are willing to put forth a little time and a little effort I think you will have a ton of fun with this game!
          There are two expansions for this game if you find that you have mastered all combinations or you just can't get enough of the game. These expansions include new factions to mix in and play with the cards you already have. This is a great game to introduce your friends who play other card games ( Magic, WOW, etc.) into board gaming! Be patient with your friends who are playing for the first time and encourage them to keep playing if they don't quite get it at first, it gets much much easier the more you play it... trust me! As with most of the games here you can find it on Amazon or at your local game store.

     4.  Fluxx

          Fluxx is an ever changing card game where you are working to complete a goal before someone else completes a goal. This game is fast paced with fairly simple instructions that can take anywhere from ten to fortyish minutes depending on what and how everyone plays. 
          Fluxx is a great starter game for a number of different reasons. Other than its simplicity,  there are a ton of different themed versions of this game ( my favorite is Star Fluxx), and the rules are so easy that they are printed on the cards. This a fun game to play in a group and I would almost consider that a party game. Like Forbidden Island, it's a fun game with a lot of re play value with a small price tag. You can find this game not only at Amazon, but also Barnes and Noble, your local game store, and Target!

     5.  Elder Sign

          I had a hard time choosing number five and I know that a lot of you will question this choice. Let me explain why I chose what I did. I feel that Elder Sign looks a lot more difficult and more complicated than it really is. I feel that it is a great entry point for people just starting to get into board games and a wonderful segue into playing more intense, time consuming game ( ie: Arkham Horror, Mansions of Madness, etc.), which can then be used to expose them to other more intense games. Long story short, I like the fact that Elder Sign can be used as a gateway board game.
          Elder Sign is a coop game that looks a lot more complicated than it really is. Don't be intimidated by all the pieces and parts or the rule book. I promise everything is pretty straight forward and if you have any questions about any part of it I will let you e mail me to ask. I'm that confident in this game! In this game you work as a team to solve the mystery at the museum and collect elder signs to prevent one of the Ancient Ones from awakening and devouring them.  It is based around dice rolling and strategy, and it is honestly a lot of fun. 
          Again, This is a game that has a lot of re play value in that you can choose different characters, places and monsters. It does take a little bit longer to play through, but I feel like it is very satisfying in the end. This is another game that my boyfriend was very skeptical about but one that he has come to really enjoy. It has led him into trying a few other games which have also become quick favorites of his. If you find that you really enjoy this game, look into a game called Ghost Stories, I think you might like it. You might also like getting into games like Arkham Horror and Mansions of Madness, which are made by the same company and deal with the same subject matter. You can find this game on Amazon, Target, Barnes and Noble or at your local game store.

Honorable Mentions:

          This is another really fun gateway game that can lead to other board games.

          This is a great quick, easy to learn, party-type game that everyone can have fun with


           My list is by no means a be all end all, so please feel free add your own favorite games to it! I Love hearing about new board games, so I'm always open to suggestions! For those of you who don't know about it, Table Top is a great you tube show hosted by Wil Wheaton. I feel like it does a great job of introducing games to new audiences. Even though you can find all of these games online I highly suggest supporting your local game shop. They will be able to point you in the right direction and answer your questions, and you never know what you might find there!  GEEK ON!



  1. I demoed smash-up at GenCon and loved it. Some point I'll be getting it. Forbidden Island is a good introduction to cooperative games.

  2. Smash up is a really great game! We found our copy at our local game shop and it happened to be on sale (woo hoo bonus!)It's wonderfully addictive!
